When i again stress at school, I do weird and make people afraid. this is me
I am a ghost. I could be anywhere. so you can see me directly whenever you want. hihihi

This is the second ghost who has a passion disturb the people around me hihihihhhiii

This is the third ghost, She was among the most sinister ghost among the above. She can disturb people and eat people (not possible wkwkwkk)

This fourth ghost, she included a face like a ghost stupid because he did not know would do anything so she is STUPID GHOSTS  =Dн å н å н å н å =))

This ghost fifth, She was among the most beautiful ghost. She's a ghost who is kind, love to smile. Could she entered a ghost newfangled? Нɑнɑнɑ:)нaнaнaº°˚˚˚°º≈:pªkªkªkª

Last post and this ghost. She ghost of the most sweet, cute. She included a ghost who likes stylish and easy to get along. if you want to be friends with her? (∞¯⌣¯∞)(∞¯⌣¯(∞¯⌣¯∞)

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